Breakthrough Discovery in Long-Term Health & Well-being
This Mayan Miracle Super-Food Banishes Brain Fog, Boosts Energy, and Turbo-Charges Your Immune System...
(And not 1 in 100,000 Americans know about it!)
The people of this region are among the healthiest around... please read THIS amazing report to find how this “Fountain of Health” formula can transform the quality of your life!
Dear Health Conscious Friend,
If you’re “tired of feeling tired” all the time... need to lose weight (always promising yourself to get back in shape), have memory lapses and loss of mental focus... or feel depressed and moody (at times)... then this truly could be the most important letter you read today!
And that’s because I’m about to share with you an extraordinary journey that has completely transformed the quality of my life.
Truth be told, when I stumbled across this health discovery I had my doubts.

But when my in-depth research panned out (along with my own results), I was convinced of its total effectiveness!
Honestly, I felt the same excitement Juan Ponce de León must’ve felt while on his search for the Fountain of Youth (a magical water source supposedly capable of reversing the aging process and curing sickness).
With one major difference... Senor Ponce never found his “fountain” --- but I have!
You see, I’ve discovered an undisturbed natural resource that’s been a priceless long-term health elixir for hundreds of years.
Used and cherished by Belizean and ancient Mayan tribes, it’s the cornerstone of their well-being and quest for longevity.
In fact, for centuries the indigenous population referred to it as their “Fountain of Health!”
My odyssey began in the South American country of Belize where I have a home.

Of course, you won’t hear about this miracle healing oil fat from the local tourist traps that bring in cruise ships daily.
No, my friend..., you have to travel the unpaved dirt roads (the real Belize) where the locals live to truly experience the majestic beauty of how this particular tree grows wild in the rainforest.
On your trip to Belize if you’re hiking the trails at Lower Dover Jungle Lodge, it’s possible to see the stages of growth (from seed bunches) of these majestic trees.
I’m referring; of course to the hearty Cohune Palm tree that reaches heights of 90 feet.
Mother Nature’s gift to man grows in remote western Central America which stretches from the Yucatan Peninsula to Honduras.
There, it’s harvested from the kernels of the fruits (or nuts) from the cohune palm tree (Attalea cohune.).
The nuts and extracted oil from this tree have been used dating all the way back to the Mayan Indians for centuries.

Of course, back then, there was no proven medical miracles—the tribes had no choice but to discover what worked by trial and error. And so they turned to nature for healing.
This was precisely why cohune oil became the key to their health and well-being!
FAST forward to modern times: Local Belizeans do NOT have many accessible health clinics. And-- they certainly do NOT have URGENT Care Centers like we do!
There’s no getting around it: The countless stories I’ve heard over and over again show me why these folks cherish cohune oil to fight against sickness and to promote longevity.
So potent, it’s no wonder they call it “Mayan Gold!”
Rainforest Anti-Aging Miracle IMPROVES Blood Sugar and Cholesterol Levels—Fast!
As you can imagine, gathering these cohune nuts to transform them into this precious oil is very labor intensive. Once collected, they’re set in the sun to dry--a grueling process that can take a month.
When dried, these nuts go through processing...from grinding...and then cooking the kernelin two large pots to extract this health-enriching oil.
Not surprising, western medicine has discovered that folks who live in this tropical climate as well as the South Pacific (and whose diet also consists of healing oil fats) are quite healthy.
“...these folks cherish cohune oil to fight against sickness and to promote longevity. So potent, it’s no wonder they call it “Mayan Gold!”
Oil Controversy
According to the NY Times, a testing company called LabDoor, analyzed 30 top-selling fish oil supplements for levels of omega-3 fatty acids. It found six of those products contained levels of omega-3s that as anti-inflammatories were on average, 30 percent less than stated on their labels.
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) are used to promote brain and heart health. Further tests reveal at least a dozen products contained DHA levels that were, on average, 14 percent less than listed on their packaging.
Miraculously, research show this third world country (and others such as in the South Pacific) have less cancer, digestive complaints, and prostate problems than other populations from around the world!
For instance, South Pacific populations such as the Tokelauans and Kitvans were the biggest consumers of saturated fat in the world.
In fact, the Kitavans were known to eat up to 17% of calories of saturated fat daily.
And here’s what truly intrigued me: Most of these locals have no traces of cardiovascular disease -- despite their high saturated fat intake. In fact, they were known for their overall exceptional health and emotional well-being!
Honestly, the more research I did, the more I felt like Indiana Jones on an expedition. During this journey I was totally convinced of this healing oil’s medicinal benefits.
Which is why I’m excited to present to you... a proven ALTERNATIVE to hyped-up heart healthy fish oil supplements and GMO coconut oil products (which can carry health risks and an overwhelming aroma)!
I’ve listened to hours of countless stories from the locals (whose lineage goes back generations.), about cohunes oil’s amazing health enriching benefits.
And please know (due to my own physical condition), I’ve tried a lot of potions and lotions and most came up short.
Until now...
After taking it daily for a few weeks I was stunned with the fast results and can proudly say this miracle oil has transformed my health as well as the health of my family, friends, and clients!
Most of the locals of this area had no traces of cardiovascular disease despite their high saturated fat intake and were known for their overall exceptional health
BUT more importantly, I want you to experience what I’ve had for years now:
LUCENA CITY, Philippines—
What coconut loving consumers do NOT know is that coconut farmers can use any of hundreds of different pesticides, depending upon what's needed in their environment.
Well, one group is NOT letting this pass. The environment group Greenpeace and coconut farmer groups have criticized the government’s use of the toxic pesticide neonicotinoids to combat the coconut scale insect (CSI) or “cocolisap” infestation that is threatening to wipe out the country’s coconut industry.
Romeo Clavo, head of the group said they would prevent the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) from injecting the anti-pest chemical into their coconut trees until they are convinced it is safe for humans and the environment.
Said Clavo, “The coconut is our only means of livelihood. We won’t let the government use it in its trial-and-error approach to combat the pest,”
Neonicotinoid has been classified as a “systemic insecticide” absorbed by every cell in a plant, which makes all its parts poisonous to pests.
Greenpeace Campaigner cited a report by the Worldwide Integrated Assessment (WIA) of the Task Force on Systemic Pesticides of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which confirmed the harmful impact of pesticides, particularly neonicotinoids.
MORE energy, QUICKER thinking and SHARPER memory, laser beam focus, enhanced heart and total improved health. (My lipid panel numbers are all superb and my doctor is thrilled!)
And I truly owe my new lease on life to Mayan Gold.
And here’s the kicker, in the world of big promises and little results– you FINALLY l get what you paid for:

No bi-products, no additives 100% distilled NON-GMO Virgin Cohune oil!
And I say this with complete confidence: You can NOT get Mayan Gold anywhere except through this unprecedented offer I am presenting to you, today! (Shortly, this will all make sense to you.)
Cohune Oil powerful chemical compounds are scientifically proven, and yet, NOT 1 in 20,000 Americans know about this anti-aging miracle!
Listen, whether I work, play, or travel internationally, a bottle never leaves my side. Used daily, in as fast as 15 days, I discovered...
- My brain fog lifted; memory and critical thinking dramatically improved!
- My ENERGY levels have gone through the roof and
- I now enjoy again all my favorite activities for hours on end!
- I’ve lost weight (and kept it off)!
- My immune system is firing on all cylinders (and I rarely get sick these days)!
- Both my cholesterol and blood sugar levels are again in normal range, which naturally THRILLS me and my doctor because I’m diabetic! Not only that, but ...
- My metabolism is NOW a fat-burning machine!
The secret to my new renewed health all begins with...
- Super-Food Cohune Oil & Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
Please understand when you hear the word 'Essential" (in regards to Fatty Acids) these are substances your body can’t produce on its own.
Which means you have no alternative but to get Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) from outside sources such as from food or supplements.
- MAINTAIN a healthy weight — since they make you feel full
- Have MORE energy & youthful vigor!
- REDUCE stored body fat by boosting metabolic function!
- THINK more clearly!
- EXPERIENCE better digestion
- BALANCE hormone levels!
- ENHANCE your mood!
- FIGHT bacterial infection and viruses!
- ACHIEVE Total Body rejuvenation!
- ABSORB fat-soluble nutrients from various foods!

Remember: This is vital for your well-being—simply because EFAs are one of the most important essential elements... ranking right up there with protein (which work hand-in-hand with each other.)
In fact, ongoing research reveals ...
P. Forest 58, Delray Beach
- Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) Are the Building Blocks of Long-Term Good Health
And here’s why: Cohune Oil is one of the richest sources of saturated fat known to man, with almost 90% of the fatty acids in it being saturated (1).
In fact, The Indian Journal of Pharmacology” reveals cutting edge research that shows saturated fats are mostly harmless and there’s truly NO link to heart disease (2).

Thankfully, Cohune Oil doesn’t contain the same saturated fats found in cheese or steak. Instead, they contain Medium-Chain Triglycerides(MCTs). (3)
And that’s a huge difference because most of the fatty acids in our western diet are long-chain fatty acids.
But that’s not all: You see, Cohune oil’s MCTs are metabolized differently. They’re easily digested and sent directly to your liver where they have a thermogenic effect to help you burn energy or “fuel” (instead of being stored as fat)!
Bottom line: Compared to longer-chain fats, MCTs are easily absorbed, providing your body with less work to break apart the carbon bonds. And because MCT’s are smaller...they can easily permeate your cell membranes (for fast absorption) and won’t require special enzymes for your body to use them.
- Banishes Brain Fog, Super-Charges Memory and Cognitive Function
THIS Ultimate Brain Fuel Helps YOU Unleash
Your Mind’s Full
According to the Cleveland Clinic, omega-3 fatty acids are a form of polyunsaturated fat, and are considered a miracle food for the mind.
Decades of studies reveal the link between omega-3 fatty acids to brain benefits that range from increased blood flow to enhanced mood and memory function.
Amy Jamieson-Petonic, MEd, a registered dietitian and the director of wellness coaching at the Cleveland Clinic and a national spokesperson for the American Dietetic Association said, “Our brain is at least 60 percent fat, and it’s composed of fats (like omega-3s) that must be obtained from the diet.”
Remember: to turbo-charge your brain power, experts recommend reducing the amount of saturated fat (which is very common in the American diet) and replacing it with omega-3s healthy fats found in Mayan Gold Cohune Oil.
Take Control of your mind, memory and total health.
Call 815-259-4552 and order your RISK-FREE Bottle of Mayan Gold TODAY
The research is extensive, the results are undeniable
Healing oil fats can truly rejuvenate your health which is why you should make them a daily part of your lifestyle.
And please take this to heart: to fight against the ravages of age, debilitating health and mental decline-- the best defense is a great offense!
And a big part of that offense should include flooding your body with Mayan Gold’s MCT’s.
Do this daily and you undoubtedly can boost your brain’s capacity to learn, retain, and categorize information fast. Remember: once you take Mayan Gold daily you’ll
- Never forget where you placed your keys
- Easily remember names, addresses, and phone numbers
- Boost your learning and short term memory!
- Turbo-charge your critical thinking!

At age 20, your brain contains 500,000 (brain cells) By age 80, only about 380,000 nuerons remain. Mayan Gold is brain nourishment! Take it daily to improve your short-term and long term memory! Guaranteed!
Bottom line: Take Mayan Gold’s Cohune Oil daily for a a sharper mind and enhanced memory. it’s also an excellent preventative strategy for keeping future brain challenges from developing at all. Not to mention fighting against the ravages of depression, anxiety and other cognitive mental decline!
- Appetite Suppressant Helps Curb Those Food Cravings!
I’m sure no one has to tell you losing weight is one thing; but then keeping those pounds off is another.
Here’s the solution... STOP starving yourself! With its dense nutrients and minerals, on-going research and data proves Mayan Gold’s MCTs act as a 100% natural appetite suppressant.
For instance, in one study scientists discovered that 6 healthy men eating a high amount of MCTs automatically ate 256 fewer calories per day (11).
- Easier to digest
- Not readily stored as fat
- Anti-microbial and anti-fungal
- Smaller in size, allowing easier cell permeability for immediate energy
- Processed by the liver, which means they are immediately converted to energy instead of being stored as fat.
And in yet another study-- 14 healthy men who ate MCTs at breakfast ate significantly fewer calories for lunch
Bottom line: Taking Making Mayan Gold every day you’ll feel full and have reduced cravings for unhealthy, fattening foods. Even better news, while other oils contain unhealthy weight gaining trans-fat, Cohune oil doesn’t. So right off the bat, you are on the road to a healthier life style by lowering your calorie intake as well as those harmful trans-fats running havoc with your heart!.
- Naturally BOOSTS Energy without Sugar Crashes!
Think your energy comes from protein and caffeine, well think again?
Your real energy source comes from fat. Thankfully, the miracle of Cohune oil is easily converted into energy and you’ll experience hours of sustained energy without the sugar crashes!
Just Imagine ...
- Your body bursting with energy with no jitters
- NO withdrawal headaches or other negative chemical side-effects.
- Spending time with your friends and family and enjoying your favorite activities for hours on end.
However, this is just the beginning of what it has to offer. That’s because...

- Mayan Gold’s Cohune Oil INCREASES Glucose Tolerance
Science has discovered MCTs are crucial to creating glucose tolerance – this in turn helps your body process sugar into usable energy and with fewer side effects.
Research published in the "Indian Journal of Pharmacology” revealed an animal study that found a diet supplemented with this healing oil led to improved glucose tolerance levels, as well as propelled total cholesterol levels lower.
- More Sustained Energy
- Clearer Mind/Sharper Thinking
- Naturally Elevates Moods
- Promotes Weight Loss
- Regulates Glucose Levels
- Normalizes Cholesterol
Call 815-259-4552 and order your RISK-FREE Bottle of Mayan Gold TODAY
Bottom Line: With Cohune Oil you’re locked n’ loaded for the day’s activities and challenges with NO more sugar crashes! But there’s so much more to the remarkable Mayan Gold story. Not only do you get ENERGY from this SUPER-FOOD, but this Miracle healing fat also...
- Increases Your Metabolism to Keep Those Nasty Pounds Off!
Cohune Oil’s MCT’s have shown the ability to balance out the hormones in your body.
And here’s why this is important: Weight gain occurs if your filter organs (like your liver) are compromised and do NOT remove hormones from your body quickly enough.
MCTS’s also
- reduce toxins that back up in the bloodstream that can lead to a sluggish liver.
- systematically aids digestion.
- regulates your thyroid and glandular system
Several other studies confirm that when humans replace the fats they are eating with MCT fats-- they burn more calories (6).
St-Onge, MP, Bosarge, A. Weight-loss diet that includes consumption of medium-chain triacylglycerol oil leads to a greater rate of weight and fat mass loss than does olive oil. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 87, No. 3, 621-626, March 2008
Bottom Line: medium-chain triglycerides can boost metabolism. Not only that, the MCTs found in Cohune Oil can increase how many calories you burn compared to the same amount of other fats (5, 6). In fact, one study revealed that 15-30 grams of MCTs per day helped decrease about 120 calories in your body daily (7).
And yet, in another study included 49 overweight men and women (aged 19-50). The participants who consumed medium-chain triglyceride oil as part of a 16-week weight loss program lost more weight and fat mass than the group that consumed olive oil.1
reduce toxins that back up in the bloodstream that can lead to a sluggish liver
- Mayan Gold’s Omega-3s Deliver Emotional Balance to Everyday Living!

Did you know your thyroid is responsible for balancing the hormones in your body?
What’s equally true is exercise, diet, and stress levels greatly affect the function of your thyroid.
For instance, say you throw out your lower back.
Once this occurs, it will throw off the balance of the rest of your body.
Well, it’s the same with your hormone levels. If they’re off kilter this delicate chemical imbalance can wreak havoc on your body’s emotional stability and well-being.
Make no mistake: if your body has too much estrogen or testosterone you could become hyper-aggressive/sensitive.
The GOOD NEWS is Mayan Gold’s potent Omega-3 oils will help to manage your body’s hormone levels and emotional well-being. That’s because MCT fats and amino acids fuel neurotransmitters in the brain that boost serotonin levels – which in turn stabilize your mood and hormones.
They can also help you battle PMS, anxiety, poor focus, and mild depression.
- Low energy
- Depressed, moody
- Sugar crashes
- High cholesterol numbers
- Problems recalling names and faces
- Lose track of a conversation
- Struggle with learning new skills and hobbies.
- Forget the details to your favorite family stories.
- You You daydream, when you need to concentrate
Best of all: Your mood will be elevated, which will provide a positive influence on your relationships and boost the quality of your life. And isn’t that what it’s all about?!
Bottom line: if you want a healthy thyroid (along with optimal digestion) ... simply take two tablespoons of Mayan Gold’s Cohune oil each day to help normalize your hormone levels for more balanced moods and a better quality of life!
- PROOF POSITIVE: Boost YOUR Immune System and You’ll Boost YOUR Overall Health for Years to Come!

As first responders in the never-ending battle against illness, your immune system is like a finely tuned orchestra working harmoniously together with one goal in mind...
To defend against unhealthy foreign invaders that cause real damage to your body.

Make no mistake: Invaders such as pathogenic bacteria and viruses can go on to destroy your body’s healthy cells. This in turn will bring on a slew of never-ending health problems!

And here’s something else to consider: Due to age and our western-style diet, PLUS stress... these culprits help destroy your body’s immune-system from working at peak levels of efficiency.
Regrettably, once this occurs there’s usually slow healing from injury and constant infections!
I’m sure you know someone who is always getting sick or in the hospital. Something is always breaking down on them.
Well, in most cases it’s due to a greatly weakened immune system!
Keep in mind: Science has established the best way to support a healthy and balanced immune system (which fights off viruses and bacteria) is of course good nutrition.
And as I mentioned earlier ... “a good defense is a great offense!”
Well, a great offense is flooding your body with potent MCT’s found in Mayan Gold.
And that’s because cohune oil contains lauric acid, a medium-length long-chain fatty acid which contains monolaurin. This unique compound has shown to help prevent and treat colds, flu, swine flu, herpes, and infections, as well as chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and to boost the immune system.
BOTTOM LINE: Lauric acid will keep your immune system firing-on-all cylinders so it can kill infections 24/7. Once digested, lauric acid forms a substance called monolaurin. Together lauric acid and monolaurin will destroy harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and fungi. (8) It will also help wipe out yeast Candida Albicans and other dangerous bacteria such as Staphylococcus Aureus...
According to the Center of Global Research...
“... natural healing substances cannot be patented, Big Pharma has done its sinister best to squelch any and all knowledge and information. Information that comes from the far more affordable means of alternative health sources.
Resources that explore ancient traditional cultures’ medicinal use of hemp along with thousands of other plants and roots that could threaten drug profits and power of Big Pharma and modern medicine as they’re currently practiced and monopolized.
Another cold hard reality is pharmaceutical drugs especially when consumed to manage chronic disease and symptoms cause severe side effects that also damage, harm and kill.”
Starting TODAY, you can make your dream a reality and give yourself the gift of good health again!
I hope you’ll agree that...
Optimal Health is The Greatest Wealth of All Time
And you know what amazes me? Every day, we read about yet a “NEW” breakthrough in science, nutrition, and medicine.
Just think: I’m presenting to you today a scientifically documented Super Food that’s NOT changed in hundreds of years. It truly is “The Fountain of Health!”
NOW, more than ever our population needs Mayan Gold’s Cohune oil to help them to not only survive—but THRIVE so we can live life to the fullest-- again!
And equally important to FIGHT and WIN against poor nutrition as food conglomerates bombard us with their unsavory ingredients in their brands. Which is precisely why...
Optimal Health is The Greatest Wealth of All Time
Remember: Mayan Gold’s Cohune oil is completely synthesized naturally. No man-made pesticides or, bio-products. 100% pure distilled Cohune Oil that comes straight from the Cohune tree! Just the way nature intended it. It’s completely bio-available which means your body uses every single drop to help propel you to optimal health for years!
When will western technology STOP taking one step forward –and then two steps backward with “their improvements” that harm society’s health!?
And if you’re fighting a battle against debilitating health, remember: IT’s NOT your fault!
Here’s some proof...
Just look at what’s in your favorite “comfort food” like Doritos -- vegetable oil, corn maltodextrin, monosodium glutamate, dextrose, lactose, artificial color, yellow 6, yellow 5, red 40, lactic acid, citric acid, sugar, disodium inosinate, disodium guanylate and several other ingredients that scare me to death!
When will this insanity stop? And please forgive my RANT. But when will western technology STOP taking one step forward and then two steps backward with their “improvements” that harm society’s health!?
SHHH! The Dirty Little Secret Other Manufacturers DON’T Want YOU to Know About!
I’ll be blunt: The biggest drawback to buying commercial healing fat oils (such as found in coconut oil) is you might not really know what you’re getting (along with how many different types of pesticides farmers are using!)
Now the sobering cold reality: To produce a pure liquid MCT oil that does not become solid at colder temps, the healing oil might need to be more refined than those found on supermarket shelves.
Unfortunately, some manufacturers (to save money) remove some of the very beneficial lauric acid from their store shelved product, which is the Super-Star ingredient found in Mayan Gold’s Cohune Oil!
Worse yet, these same commercial manufacturers might even add unhealthy “filler” oils like omega-6 polyunsaturated fats.
And here’s another important factor to consider...
MOST MCT oils on the market are many times manufactured via chemical/solvent refining...which means they require using chemicals like hexane and different enzymes and combustion chemicals. (Jut think about that for a moment!)
So I cannot make this any clearer...
Mayan Gold’s Cohune Oil is hands down superior to any other healing oil on the market TODAY. You will NOT find supplies at Walmart, CVS, Walgreens or any other commercial retail outlet on this planet!
No matter what you might read anywhere else. I am the ONLY importer of 100% Virgin Cohune Oil in the USA. My company has invested a lot of capital into the collection of this healing fat oil and I totally stand behind its effectiveness!
Worse yet, these same commercial manufacturers might even add unhealthy “filler” oils like omega-6 polyunsaturated fats.

That said; allow me to ask you point blank:
When was the Last TIME You Really Felt Great!?
Well, NOW’s the time to Finally Improve YOUR Health ONCE and FOR All!
Truthfully, if it’s been a while, then please allow me to finish by saying the time has come for you to act!
I’ve presented all the facts about Mayan Gold’s many health benefits and how it can help revitalize your mind, memory, energy and total health!
So I hope you agree that Mayan Gold could indeed give you hope for a better quality of life— starting in as fast as 15 days!.
I also hope you will take the important step to make it happen.

Just imagine.
- EXPERIENCING 10,15 even 20+ more healthier years with your loved ones!
- INCREASED heart health, MORE energy!
- IMPROVED glucose support without sugar crashes!
- LOSING weight, keeping it off, (and fitting into your skinny jeans again).
- TURBO-CHARGED cardio health and better moods!
- A POWERFUL IMMUNE-SYSTEM protecting you against illness!

Finally, picture yourself feeling young again... with razor-sharp thinking and a memory that makes you feel like you’re in your 30s again (without brain fog and grasping to finish sentences!)
Listen, I want you to age gracefully without debilitating health, freedom and mobility!
I practice what I preach and Mayan Gold daily as if my life depends on it, because it does! (I am diabetic.)

I made a vow to myself many years ago: I refuse to go gently into the night and get OLD before my time.
And I bet you don’t want to either. I know you want back the satisfying glow of youth ... and to have your doctor say, (after taking Mayan Gold for at least 30 days) ...
“Your lab work is outstanding. I don’t know what you’re doing different – but keep doing it!”
Remember: Keep the faith! Do NOT give up. I’m here to tell you a rejuvenated life can be yours again—and the first step is to take action TODAY and order a supply of Mayan Gold Risk FREE!
When you do, you’ll experience a new lease on life with renewed energy and endurance that will allow you to spend time engaged in your favorite activities—and life again!
Here’s the thing: Me, my family, the people of the South Pacific and the tropics are proof positive that MCT’s work.
- Mayan Gold is 100% Safe With NO Side Effects...
- Will NOT Interfere with any medications you are presently taking
Prove it to yourself. Get this vital ingredient into your body for optimal absorption -- and do it with Mayan Gold.
Again, I promise you this amazing health elixir can start to deliver the results you seek in as fast as 15 days!
Do you see the value here?
Yes, you can rejuvenate and reverse poor health and enjoy MORE energy, CLEARER thinking, SHARPER MEMORY, better digestion and TOTAL improved cardio health than you could ever imagined!
Finally, no matter what you’re presently going through health wise... PLEASE do not give up hope. Regardless, of how you feel, you can absolutely can benefit from taking Mayan Gold daily!.
Special VIP Pricing (LIMITED TIME OFFER) + FREE Bonus Gift ($39 Value)
Incidentally, I am offering you (for a limited TIME only and while supplies last) Special VIP Pricing. In fact, I’ve knocked $20 off of one bottle of Mayan Gold. (When you order more – you will save even more $$$)
Better yet, to the first 150 orders that come in I’ll include the FREE Bonus Report: (Vinegar Solutions)
And rest easy: You have a FULL 60 days to TEST DRIVE Mayan Gold for its full effectiveness. If it’s not everything I say it is – and more, I will absolutely refund you the full purchase price. (Less s/h) As you can clearly see, I’m taking all the risk here!

So while it’s fresh on your mind Order at TODAY (while supplies last). Do it for you and your family. I promise you’re taking the important first step to regaining and maintaining the good health you deserve!
Oh, by the way... I almost forgot... I invite you to come to our Showroom to ask us questions or actually pick up your Mayan Gold Cohune Oil. (Always call ahead so I can make sure our Consultants are in the office.) We really love having the chance to chat with our customers and we have a retail store so you can touch and feel a bottle of Mayan Gold.

We're very easy to find. Right on Highway 84 about a block up from the Savanna-Thomson State Bank. Our warehouse is also in Thomson, right across from the police station. If you do come to see us, I'd love to buy you a cup of coffee or even lunch in our world-famous Heirloom Market & Café while you are here.

Bill Heid
Health Advocate, Explorer, Researcher, Weapons Expert
P.S. Here’s the plain truth: Collecting and bottling Mayan Gold is a long and expensive process. Many of the youth in Belize villages are now moving away to the cities for more income opportunities. So as you can well imagine this leaves a lot of the middle-aged and elderly to take care of the harvesting of the Cohune Oil for my customers.
In addition, we’re a family owned company, which means I have no choice but to watch the bottom line. We ONLY have 100 bottles available to the public with this particular promotion.
So YES, this is absolutely a first come; first served offer. Once the 100 bottles are gone... they-are-gone! Save TIME and MONEY and do yourself a favor and order at least a 3-month supply! (In fact, I’ll even pay for the s/h when you order at least a 3-month supply.)
P.P.S. Again, when you wisely Order TODAY (and if you’re one of the first 150 customers) I’ll include your FREE Bonus Report! ($39 value)! Please go to the order page and give yourself “The Fountain of Health!”
For Fastest Service: Simply choose the amount of Mayan Gold Cohune Oil that you would like at the bottom of this page, click the "Add To Cart" button and it will take you to our 24-hour secure online order form.
For Fast Service: Have your credit card ready and call our Priority Order Hotline and tell one of our friendly staff members you want to order Mayan Gold Cohune Oil. She'll take care of the rest. The number to call is...
(Priority Order Hotline)
To Order By Check Or Money Order: Send your payment (including the $5.95 shipping) to: